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Giving HOPE is sometimes harder than it may seem on the surface. People, sometimes, don't even realize they need or want it. That's why we are Crusaders on a Mission and not Sales people. A Sales Person will push something on you for a payoff. We, Team HOPE Crusaders, on the other hand, simply deliver the message in HOPES that it will be received.
Have you ever heard the saying...
Take a second and think about that statement. It's a lot deeper than you think and the truth in it is remarkable.
If you are reading this and you are not 'TECHNICALLY" a Team HOPE Crusader yet, take a minute and digest that statement. Then, move forward in life with an open mind. WILLING to hear, see and accept what information is out there. A lot of it may be, seemingly, of no use to you, but how can you possibly put together the puzzle of life without all the pieces? Closing your mind to information will end up leaving holes in the picture of life you are putting together and, just like a puzzle, if you leave out that piece that seems insignificant (maybe it's just one flat color that's not exciting at all) the puzzle ends up with a hole in it and inevitably unfinished. You must have the unexciting, bland, insignificant piece to complete it, PERIOD! So we say to you this...Your mind is like a parachute, it works much better when it's OPEN! So be open to the information around you. Evaluate it for what it is and see where it fits in to your Life's Puzzle because the truth is, what you DON'T know MAY hurt you.
If you are already a Team HOPE Crusader, than realize this...If people don't know what they don't know, there is no reason to get frustrated when they don't see and understand what you know. It's simply our job to HOPE we can open them up enough to attempt to see and understand what we do. Some will but most won't...YET! Be kind, giving and understanding NO MATTER WHAT!
Team HOPE...Helping Other People Excel! CRUSADERS WANTED!