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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What You Don't Know May Hurt You...REALLY!

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Giving HOPE is sometimes harder than it may seem on the surface. People, sometimes, don't even realize they need or want it. That's why we are Crusaders on a Mission and not Sales people. A Sales Person will push something on you for a payoff. We, Team HOPE Crusaders, on the other hand, simply deliver the message in HOPES that it will be received. 

Have you ever heard the saying... 
Take a second and think about that statement. It's a lot deeper than you think and the truth in it is remarkable. 

If you are reading this and you are not 'TECHNICALLY" a Team HOPE Crusader yet, take a minute and digest that statement. Then, move forward in life with an open mind. WILLING to hear, see and accept what information is out there. A lot of it may be, seemingly, of no use to you, but how can you possibly put together the puzzle of life without all the pieces? Closing your mind to information will end up leaving holes in the picture of life you are putting together and, just like a puzzle, if you leave out that piece that seems insignificant (maybe it's just one flat color that's not exciting at all) the puzzle ends up with a hole in it and inevitably unfinished. You must have the unexciting, bland, insignificant piece to complete it, PERIOD! So we say to you this...Your mind is like a parachute, it works much better when it's OPEN! So be open to the information around you. Evaluate it for what it is and see where it fits in to your Life's Puzzle because the truth is, what you DON'T know MAY hurt you.

If you are already a Team HOPE Crusader, than realize this...If people don't know what they don't know, there is no reason to get frustrated when they don't see and understand what you know. It's simply our job to HOPE we can open them up enough to attempt to see and understand what we do. Some will but most won't...YET! Be kind, giving and understanding NO MATTER WHAT!

Team HOPE...Helping Other People Excel! CRUSADERS WANTED!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sunshine Delivery From Sunny Hope. ENJOY!

Have some Sunshine on us. If you enjoy this, be sure to click the FaceBook LIKE button and SHARE it with everyone you can. We all need a little Sunshine once in a while.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

HOPE Series - Episode 4 - Attaboy!!

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Philosophy #4 - Always leave people better off than they were when you got there.

This is a pretty simple but POWERFUL philosophy that, when practiced, can make a huge difference in someones day or even their life. It's amazing what kind words and sincerity can do. You know how you feel when someone compliments your smile or your suit or your shoes or whatever. It just puts an extra spring in your step. We have ALL experienced it. You have probably even said..."Thanks, you just made my day!", at some point or another in your life.

Well, that's all there is to this philosophy. Simply leave people feeling good. It doesn't cost any money, it's not painful and it doesn't take any of your time. You just have to make a conscious effort to do it. Can you imagine what our world would be like if we all practiced this philosophy and paid it forward to each other. Wow! What an amazing thought. Now, maybe you're thinking that there is no way possible that could ever happen. Maybe not, but we shouldn't be the reason it doesn't.

So keep a smile on your face (this may be all you need to do to accomplish this philosophy with someone) and go out there and give someone an "Attaboy", "Attagirl", compliment or something just to make them smile with you.

Philosophy #5 -  We are all in this life together and none of us are getting out of it alive, so we might as well help each other while we are here.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

HOPE Series - Episode 3 - Someone PLEASE Water Me!!

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Philosophy #3 - If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees but if you want a lifetime of prosperity, GROW PEOPLE!

Grow People? What the heck does that mean? Where do you get PEOPLE seeds and and how do you care for them once you get them planted? lol. As silly as that may sound, there is a little truth to it. People are already "PLANTED". They are all around us and just like regular plants, how you care for them determines how well they come out. See, people are EVERYTHING. Without people nothing matters. As advanced as our technology is, we still need PEOPLE to run the show and the better, stronger, faster, more reliable people are, the better we all are. 

In today's World, many people have just really given up on life. They simply go through the motions of day to day. Get up, go to work, come home, handle some household obligations, spend some time with the family, go to sleep and start all over again the next day. Have you ever heard this before...

I go to work to buy the food.
I buy the food to give me strength.
I need the strength to go to work.

Ok ok, so in there somewhere we go to the movies or out to dinner or go bowling but the reality is we spend most of our time (1/3 of our life at least) working and fulfilling obligations. We also spend 1/3 of our life sleeping, so to really put it in perspective, we only have 1/3 of our life left to do household chores (cut grass, clean house, laundry, dishes, cooking etc.), enjoy time with the people we love and care about and make time for ourselves and do the things we enjoy. That's a pretty small amount of time to have for US, don't you think?
This is the most common lifestyle of the average American but not the ONLY lifestyle and it DOES NOT have to be yours. Some of the people in our Country have figured out that TIME is the most precious commodity in life and IT IS! So how do you free up your time? Have less obligations and more money! We realize that money is not everything but as Zig Zigler said..."Money's not everything but when you don't have any, it ranks right up there with Oxygen". Funny but true. So how do the people that can vacation whenever or wherever they want, the people that can play Golf in the middle of the day during the week or the people that can go on every filed trip and to every play with their children, get to that point? How are they different? They put there pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us, if you cut them they bleed just like the rest of us and they breath just like the rest of us. So what's the difference? The difference is in how they were or have GROWN. We don't mean as a child either. What we mean is in their mind.

If you want DIFFERENT, you have to do DIFFERENT and to do DIFFERENT, you have to think DIFFERENT. There are books, audios, videos, classes and trainings all around us to teach us the laws of "SUCCESS" (whatever your definition of success may be) but it's not taught in traditional education, so you have to take it upon yourself to seek out that knowledge. Find a Mentor, someone that has what you want, and follow their lead. Actually, if you think about it, it's a pretty simple thing to understand. People are PROGRAMMED to do whatever they do. If you're a Teacher, you were taught (or programmed) to be a teacher. The same goes for Doctors, Lawyers, Construction workers or ANY career you can think of. So if you want to be more successful, you simply have to be PROGRAMMED for success. YOU HAVE TO GROW! Once you begin to GROW you can then help others begin to GROW as well and it's a FACT that if you can help GROW PEOPLE the things around you will change with you and them.

So work on growing yourself to have the ability to help grow others. You're the most important part of your life and the lives of others around you.
Philosophy #4 - Always leave people better off than they were when you got there.

Until Next time...CRUSADERS WANTED!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

HOPE Series - Episode 2 - Let the Battle Begin?

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Yesterday we left you with Philosophy #2...

 PHILOSOPHY #2 - Figure out the Problem or Issue but FOCUS on the SOLUTION!
Now maybe you're saying..."Well Duh! Like I didn't know that" Believe it or not, most people, subconsciously, are so consumed with the issue(s) at hand, they are so in awe that whatever has happened, happened, that they can't even start to look at a solution and, unfortunately, what you focus on expands. You will most definitely get more of it. I mean look at our society as a whole. We are always fighting something. The War on Drugs gives us more drugs. The fight against Teen Pregnancy gives us more pregnant Teenagers. Right now all we hear about is Unemployment and we are getting more unemployment. The intentions are good but the focus is in the wrong place. This happens to all of us.

So how do we fix it? Focus on the SOLUTION. What you WANT, not what you don't want. For example. If you want to lower Teen Pregnancy, focus on abstinence. If you want bring the Unemployment rate down, focus on employing more people. These are all things on a larger more noticeable scale but what about on a personal level? Well if you don't want all your Bills, focus on making more money. If you don't want a rocky relationship, focus on having a great relationship. It is so easy to see exactly what you don't want and fight against it but the only way to beat it is to put 100% of your focus on what you DO WANT.

Pay attention to what you say to yourself. Look at where your focus really is.  I bet, without even knowing it, you're ultimately focused on exactly what you DON'T want. Fighting AGAINST something instead of fighting FOR something. Make the proper adjustment as we have outlined here and you will be amazed at the results you get. That certain something that you have been fighting against for so long will now begin to dissipate and you will finally be able to move forward.

Philosophy #3 - If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees but if you want a lifetime of prosperity, GROW PEOPLE! 

Until Next time...CRUSADERS WANTED!

Monday, September 27, 2010

HOPE Series - Episode 1 - The Defining

On Friday we introduced "HOPE Series - The Introduction" and in that Blog we gave you Philosophy #1. Each Blog will elaborate on the previous Philosophy and then leave you with another one to ponder until next time. Remember to Subscribe, Follow and Share this Blog and please leave Comments at the bottom. 
Lets get started.

Philosophy #1 - The difference between an ISSUE and a PROBLEM is that you can write a check to resolve an ISSUE.

This Philosophy is a GREAT place to start because so many times we confuse ISSUES with PROBLEMS and when you understand the difference in the two, your journey in finding solutions becomes much more focused, therefore, becoming easier to solve. Too often we deem ISSUES as PROBLEMS and PROBLEMS are very difficult, where as ISSUES are usually very temporary. Lets give you some examples of both.

ISSUES...Mortgage is late or Past Due. Car is about to or has been Repossessed. Bill Collectors are ringing the phone off the hook. Auto Insurance has been canceled or even your power has been turned off. As devastating as any one of these may seem, they all have one thing in common. If you had the money, you could resolve every one of them pretty easily. So now the question is simply..."HOW DO I MAKE MORE MONEY?" That is a FOCUSED question.

PROBLEMS...A Loved one is diagnosed with a serious or terminal Disease. You caught your spouse or significant other cheating on you or  a family member, or someone you care deeply about, passes away. These are all things, that no matter how much money you have, you will be required to search deeper than your checkbook to resolve and many times the only resolution will be within yourself internally.

Now that we know and understand the difference in an ISSUE and a PROBLEM, lets step back and look at what's happening in our lives. Separate those things so you can see more clearly the road to resolving them and begin to take the appropriate steps. Keep in mind that we all deal with issues and problems and the only Guarantee we have is that we will all always have them to deal with. It's HOW you approach them that matters.

PHILOSOPHY #2 - Figure out the Problem or Issue but FOCUS on the SOLUTION!

Until Next time...Team HOPE! CRUSADERS WANTED!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

HOPE Series - The Introduction

The Mission Statement of TEAM HOPE is found in the acronym of the words TEAM and HOPE. 
Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Excel!

What makes people excel? The simple answer? It's in the knowledge people have and the philosophies they use to deal with the things life throws their way. Everyone has issues and problems. Rich or poor, black or white, young and old. Life throws obstacles at everyone equally. The difference is found in how each one of us handles those obstacles.  

Philosophy #1 - The difference between an ISSUE and a PROBLEM is that you can write a check to resolve an ISSUE.

Over the next few weeks, we will be delivering lessons, knowledge and philosophies through our HOPE Series right here on this Blog in HOPES that we can Help Other People Excel in whatever they may be doing. Be sure to FOLLOW and SUBSCRIBE to this Blog (over on the right side) so you don't miss any of the information we will be delivering. It's going to be an AMAZING Series. We also welcome COMMENTS at the bottom of each Blog and, if you feel so moved to do so, would ask that you SHARE it through some of the SHARING avenues available at the bottom of each Blog. You never know who the information will touch.

Thanks for being a part of what TEAM HOPE is doing!



Friday, September 24, 2010

Crusaders Wanted!

It takes a special kind of person to make a difference in this World. You need to be a giver and care for others well being. You need to put others first. You need to understand the greater good and you need to want things more for others than maybe they even want it for themselves. There is no room for selfishness or greed. When you GIVE it opens you up to receive. Don't give expecting to receive but know that when you give, and the more you give, you will naturally, by the laws of God and the Universe, begin to receive.

These are the qualities of all Team HOPE Crusaders and will be the foundation for what we look for in New Team HOPE Crusaders. Are you a Crusader? Do you have these qualities? Would you like to be able to make a living while making a difference? Team HOPE and you may be a good fit for each other.


Who Is Team HOPE?

Team HOPE is a a group of individuals DEDICATED to HOPING people. We understand that if you help enough people get what they want, you will get everything you want and we live by that philosophy. The Mission Statement of Team HOPE is found in the acronyms of the words TEAM and HOPE... 
Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Excel.

In the world today, people have a lot of issues and the goal of Team HOPE is to do what we can to help resolve those issues with our Life Events Legal Plans, Our Identity Theft Shield program and/or the Opportunity we can provide others to help us take this HOPE to the market. We are TRULY Making a Living while we are making a difference.

If you would like to know more about Team HOPE and how you can become a part of our Mission and Crusade, please let us know. We are looking for Crusaders like you! 

Team HOPE - Helping Other People Excel!