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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

HOPE Series - Episode 3 - Someone PLEASE Water Me!!

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Philosophy #3 - If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees but if you want a lifetime of prosperity, GROW PEOPLE!

Grow People? What the heck does that mean? Where do you get PEOPLE seeds and and how do you care for them once you get them planted? lol. As silly as that may sound, there is a little truth to it. People are already "PLANTED". They are all around us and just like regular plants, how you care for them determines how well they come out. See, people are EVERYTHING. Without people nothing matters. As advanced as our technology is, we still need PEOPLE to run the show and the better, stronger, faster, more reliable people are, the better we all are. 

In today's World, many people have just really given up on life. They simply go through the motions of day to day. Get up, go to work, come home, handle some household obligations, spend some time with the family, go to sleep and start all over again the next day. Have you ever heard this before...

I go to work to buy the food.
I buy the food to give me strength.
I need the strength to go to work.

Ok ok, so in there somewhere we go to the movies or out to dinner or go bowling but the reality is we spend most of our time (1/3 of our life at least) working and fulfilling obligations. We also spend 1/3 of our life sleeping, so to really put it in perspective, we only have 1/3 of our life left to do household chores (cut grass, clean house, laundry, dishes, cooking etc.), enjoy time with the people we love and care about and make time for ourselves and do the things we enjoy. That's a pretty small amount of time to have for US, don't you think?
This is the most common lifestyle of the average American but not the ONLY lifestyle and it DOES NOT have to be yours. Some of the people in our Country have figured out that TIME is the most precious commodity in life and IT IS! So how do you free up your time? Have less obligations and more money! We realize that money is not everything but as Zig Zigler said..."Money's not everything but when you don't have any, it ranks right up there with Oxygen". Funny but true. So how do the people that can vacation whenever or wherever they want, the people that can play Golf in the middle of the day during the week or the people that can go on every filed trip and to every play with their children, get to that point? How are they different? They put there pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us, if you cut them they bleed just like the rest of us and they breath just like the rest of us. So what's the difference? The difference is in how they were or have GROWN. We don't mean as a child either. What we mean is in their mind.

If you want DIFFERENT, you have to do DIFFERENT and to do DIFFERENT, you have to think DIFFERENT. There are books, audios, videos, classes and trainings all around us to teach us the laws of "SUCCESS" (whatever your definition of success may be) but it's not taught in traditional education, so you have to take it upon yourself to seek out that knowledge. Find a Mentor, someone that has what you want, and follow their lead. Actually, if you think about it, it's a pretty simple thing to understand. People are PROGRAMMED to do whatever they do. If you're a Teacher, you were taught (or programmed) to be a teacher. The same goes for Doctors, Lawyers, Construction workers or ANY career you can think of. So if you want to be more successful, you simply have to be PROGRAMMED for success. YOU HAVE TO GROW! Once you begin to GROW you can then help others begin to GROW as well and it's a FACT that if you can help GROW PEOPLE the things around you will change with you and them.

So work on growing yourself to have the ability to help grow others. You're the most important part of your life and the lives of others around you.
Philosophy #4 - Always leave people better off than they were when you got there.

Until Next time...CRUSADERS WANTED!

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