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Yesterday we left you with Philosophy #2...
PHILOSOPHY #2 - Figure out the Problem or Issue but FOCUS on the SOLUTION!
Now maybe you're saying..."Well Duh! Like I didn't know that" Believe it or not, most people, subconsciously, are so consumed with the issue(s) at hand, they are so in awe that whatever has happened, happened, that they can't even start to look at a solution and, unfortunately, what you focus on expands. You will most definitely get more of it. I mean look at our society as a whole. We are always fighting something. The War on Drugs gives us more drugs. The fight against Teen Pregnancy gives us more pregnant Teenagers. Right now all we hear about is Unemployment and we are getting more unemployment. The intentions are good but the focus is in the wrong place. This happens to all of us.
So how do we fix it? Focus on the SOLUTION. What you WANT, not what you don't want. For example. If you want to lower Teen Pregnancy, focus on abstinence. If you want bring the Unemployment rate down, focus on employing more people. These are all things on a larger more noticeable scale but what about on a personal level? Well if you don't want all your Bills, focus on making more money. If you don't want a rocky relationship, focus on having a great relationship. It is so easy to see exactly what you don't want and fight against it but the only way to beat it is to put 100% of your focus on what you DO WANT.
Pay attention to what you say to yourself. Look at where your focus really is. I bet, without even knowing it, you're ultimately focused on exactly what you DON'T want. Fighting AGAINST something instead of fighting FOR something. Make the proper adjustment as we have outlined here and you will be amazed at the results you get. That certain something that you have been fighting against for so long will now begin to dissipate and you will finally be able to move forward.
Philosophy #3 - If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees but if you want a lifetime of prosperity, GROW PEOPLE!
Until Next time...CRUSADERS WANTED!